Offerings for Individuals and Teams
We all need people who can share their experiences and insights to help us navigate the situations we get ourselves into. I particularly mentor young social entrepreneurs and changemakers.
When I sense that I'm not the right mentor, I will connect you with a different mentor from my network, that may suit your needs better.
Learn to BE WELL most of the time, even when life seems difficult. Learn effective practices to help you gain more headspace, awareness, ability to focus, ability to manage your stress, create spaciousness in your life, be OK with your emotions, develop healthy daily habits.
Learn how to get to know your teammates better, create psychological safety, nurture a healthy team culture and achieve your shared goals.
Teamwork can be exhausting and demoralizing when our relationships with our peers don't work. However, if we cultivate our own growth and nourish our relationships, Teamwork can be one of the most fulfilling and exciting experiences at work and in your life.
Current times call us to embody a different way of being, operate from a different inner place and engage in unprecedented collaboration with others.
Learn methodologies and exercises to help you develop deep listening abilities, connect with yourself and others from your heart and create together from that place, sensing the future that wants to emerge.
Learn about change in complex systems. Identify issues that you care deeply about and find ways to engage and positively impact.
Who am I? What is my work?
Sense what is your inner call, connect to it and manifest it in this life.
Learn about simple but powerful somatic (body) work and healing techniques to help you manage stress, strengthen your wellbeing, enhance your awareness and focus abilities, improve your relationships, increase your productivity.
Nurture your connection with nature and learn resilience, adaptability, cooperation and life-giving traits.
Develop yourself, your team, your organization and positively impact the world, thorough an integral approach that includes different ways of learnings (cognitive, feelings, senses, intuition) and that looks at all dimensions of the human being (mind-emotions, body, culture, environment).