Today is the closing day of the one year New Ventures West Integral Coaching program in DC that started in 2018. I feel honored to have contributed as faculty in the role of pod mentor. Having graduated as an integral coach in 2015, I continue keep learning so much. It never ends and goes deeper and deeper. Amazing!
I felt inspired by the participants journeys and their efforts in breaking with mental, emotional, physical and energetic old patterns of conditioning that were holding them back from being well and fulfilled. Everyone wanting to grow and evolve, taking the risk to really getting to know their authentic selves and express that in the world.
I was touched by the pain and courage from the men and those who identified as men, who wanted to be fully themselves in a societal system that is not designed for that to happen. Thank you to all of you who are redefining what it means to be a man in current times! We need you.
I was touched by the participants' discovery of the power of their femenine wisdom and integration with the masculine and all the parts and dimensions of ourselves that make us human. Basically, a work of integration.
I was in awe of the faculty, admiring their capacity to love, care and commit to seeing, supporting and holding everyone in their struggle and their full potetial. Wow! Thank you!
#newventureswest #integralcoach #pcc #humanpotential #ifeelhopeful